30 Day Investing Challenge, Day 30: CELEBRATE!

This is it. This is the last day of your 30 day investing challenge. WOW! What a whirlwind it’s been! I hope the challenges I set you were informative and helped you take action to create the life you deserve. I also hope they showed you that investing doesn’t have to be scary or overwhelming. I’m a huge believer in breaking down large goals into smaller tasks that build on top of each other. That was the entire purpose of this challenge: to build your confidence and grow your wealth. I hope you had fun :-)

Action Step: Sit Back, Relax, and Celebrate!

You did it. You’ve completed a HUGE milestone. I’m so proud of you! So all you have to do for your next challenge is chill. Go get a massage, grab a drink with friends, go out to eat with your family, or take a relaxing bubble bath. You’ve earned it.

Want to dive in deeper? My investing workbook “Your Journey to Freedom” will show you how to build the life of your dreams and teach you the fundamentals of the investing world.

Not sure where to start when it comes to investing? My FREE step-by-step investing guide will help build your confidence by walking you through buying your first index fund.


30 Day Investing Challenge, Day 29: Craft Your Investment Policy Statement