How my journey began

My adult life started out, as many millennials do, weighted down with massive student loans and credit card debt. I left home at 22 after graduating college to pursue my Master’s degree. Advised not to work while in school, I lived on student loans in one of the most expensive cities in the world: New York. This saddled me with $65k in debt. Since I liked living like a Kardashian on $25k/year, I put a lot of things on a credit card. One day while cleaning out my tiny closet (we can’t all be Carrie Bradshaw) and piling tons of unworn clothes on my bed, it hit me: look at all this money I’d wasted. I decided then and there to take control of my financial life. I began by listening to podcasts, reading articles, and investing on my own. After 8+ years and multiple mistakes I am now a self-taught financial expert whose investments have grown to six figures and whose net worth is +$200k. I want to pass on my knowledge and show people they don’t need an expensive advisor to build their wealth.

Want to tell your FI story?

Are you on the path to financial independence and want to share your journey? Whether you’re just starting, well on your way to early retirement, or have already “FIRED,” I want to hear from you! Submit a request to be on the podcast here and I’ll send you an invitation.

Contact Me

If you have any questions or comments I’d love to hear from you!

Want to show your support?

EverydayFI is currently fueled by grit, love, and dedication. It’s just me, Meghan, behind the scenes doing everything from recording, editing, writing, and promotion. There are two ways you can help me in this journey: buying me a latte or joining my Patreon. Pick your favorite and thank you for your support!

Financial confidence comes from within. I’m here to help you capture it.